When embedding media in Canvas, such as a YouTube video, the iframe tag is used by default. This creates a smaller window within the Canvas page to hold the media and allows it to be played directly in Canvas. There are some accessibility recommendations for adding media with an iframe.
Add a descriptive title attribute to the iframe tag to help users to identify the content and distinguish it from other content on the page.
Include a name attribute if using multiple iframes/embedded content in one page as it helps to differentiate the embedded content on the page.
Do not disable scrolling for iframes and frames.
Resize the iframe, where possible, to show as much content as possible but allow for resizing of the page.
Include alternative text for the media for any user who may have turned off frames in their browser/ for browsers that may not support frames.
Include a direct link to the resource so that it can be accessed and viewed outside of Canvas.
<p>If you are having trouble viewing the content, please use the following link to access the content outside of Canvas: <a class="inline_disabled" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEn1ev2wGi8"> Go to TEL’s Training Video: Canvas Accessibility </a></p>
<iframe title="TEL Training Video: Canvas Accessibility" name= "Canvas Accessibility" width="560" height="100%" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/hEn1ev2wGi8?si=tCkdlqndIHH8J3yH" ></iframe>