As an instructor, SpeedGrader allows you to view and grade student assignment submissions in one place using a simple point scale or complex rubric. SpeedGrader is also integrated as part of the Canvas Teacher app.

Here are some benefits of the SpeedGrader:

Everything in one place: Student work is displayed on the left hand side of the instructor's screen, with the grading panel on the left

Color-coded student list: Allows the instructor to see at a glance who has turned work in and needs to be graded [orange dot], who has already been graded [green check], and who has not yet turned in work [student name is light gray]

Time stamp: Shown for each piece of student work - late assignments show LATE and time stamp is red

Variety of feedback: Instructors can provide written as well as audio/video feedback

Create feedback loops: Students can reply to your feedback within their graded responses, 

The right side of the SpeedGrader menu bar includes the student list for the assignment. SpeedGrader gives you an overview of student submissions for an assignment.

  1. From Module Navigation, click Grades.
  2. Within the gradebook, identify the column for your quiz, and click the options icon at the top of the column Image PlaceholderSelect SpeedGrader.
  3. To open the list of students, click the dropdown list beside the first student name. SpeedGrader opens the assignment for the first student listed in the student list, arranged alphabetically by last name. However, you can choose to sort the student list by student name, submission date, or submission status. To do this, click the options icon Image Placeholder and then click Options and change the sorting and click Save Settings. When you view a submission, the student which student submission you are viewing in the student list compared to the total number of students.
  4. Optional: If your course includes more than one section, students are displayed according to the section shown in the Gradebook. By default, the Gradebook shows all sections, though you can select a specific section to view. Viewing an assignment by section only displays submissions for that section and decreases the overall loading time for the assignment's data. When an assignment is opened in SpeedGrader, all values for that assignment are loaded and saved in the browser, including student submission data, any grades (including original grades for resubmitted assignments), rubrics, and comments. To improve performance, assignments in large courses should always be viewed by section.


  • Viewing by section is only available to instructors; admins cannot filter assignments by section.
  • Viewing by section is only available for group assignments if you assign grades to student individually.
  • When a section filter is applied in SpeedGrader, the same section filter also displays in the Gradebook.

For easy identification, each student is identified with an assignment submission status next to his or her name:

  1. A green checkmark indicates the assignment has been graded
  2. An orange dot indicates the assignment has not been graded or has been re-submitted
  3. No checkmark and a grayed out name indicates the assignment has not been submitted
  4. A gray checkmark indicates the assignment is moderated and has already been graded by another grader.