What is Crosslisting?

Cross listing is the ability to join two or more class groups of a module together to share content and enrolments. This concept allows two or more disparate class groups to be listed as one and the same within Canvas. The common use case on campus is that two different class groups are taught in the same place at the same time by the same instructor.

Please note that when you crosslist a module in Canvas, this will clear all notes, grades, etc. in one of the modules (the "child" module being crosslisted).

Some benefits of Crosslisting include:

  • Add content once (add content in one course section and the other course sections will see it as well).
  • Less updating needed (if you make a change in one section, the other sections will automatically update with the changes).
  • Access the full course roster (students in all the cross-listed course sections will show up in the Gradebook and under People).
  • You can create section-specific assignments, events, graded discussions and quizzes or assign a common activity to all sections.

How do I complete a Crosslisting request?

Send the request to edtech@mtu.ie in the following format:

In the “Subject Field” type, “Crosslisting Request”
In the Description, please indicate the following:

Indicate the SIS ID of the parent module (this can be accessed by going into module "Settings" in the left-hand menu)

Indicate the SIS ID of any of the child modules

Image Placeholder

The TEL team will process your request in the same working day. The new module will have the name “Xlist” added to the end of it.

For example: 3D Interactive Environments 3DINH4001_12587 would become: 3D Interactive Environments 3DINH4001_Xlist