Repeat CRN Sections Explained:

Each Module repeat gets a unique EXO CRN which is taken from the Banner System

All students who are registered to take an August assessment will be enrolled on the relevant Canvas EXO

EXO modules are module-based rather than CRN-based but the original semester 1 or 2 CRN structures have been retained with these modules in the form of what Canvas calls sections. All students repeating a module are enrolled against the whole module but sections can be used as a way to see or work with a subset of all module students in cases where a module had multiple deliveries or CRNs.

The module section IDs have the format of <Module Code>_<Original CRN>_EXO_<Repeat CRN>_<Year>

Setting Assessments at Module or Section level:

Repeat modules should typically have one assessment for all students. In special cases, however, it may be necessary to set different assessments for different deliveries or CRNs of a particular module. For those cases it is possible to use Canvas sections as a mechanism to release CRN-specific assessments. Instructions as follows:

Setting Assignments for Repeat Modules:

Create your Canvas assignment as usual until you get to the “Assign” option.

Assign to Everyone option

When you get to the Assign to option, the default is set to Everyone. This default option will release the assessment to everyone enrolled on the module.

Assign to a section option:

In cases where a module had numerous deliveries, what Canvas calls a Module section dropdown list can be revealed listing all the related CRNs or sections associated with the module. When you need to set an assessment for one or more specific sections, select the relevant section or sections from this Module section list.

Adding Repeat Assessments to the Module Template:

Once you have the assignment created and assigned to the right group, make sure to add the assignment to the Repeat Module Template. 

Navigate to the Repeat Assessment unit and click the + icon.

Choose the relevant assessment from the list and add it to the template.

Please note that the unit under which the assignment appears should be available to students (published and/ or available at the correct time). Otherwise students may not be able to access it.

Adding Other Assessment Material to The EXO module:

You can add other assessment notes or other material to the EXO “Repeat Assessment Unit”. Please note, however, that you can only make these materials available to ALL students enrolled on the module - including different deliveries (see above). If you wish to make different content available to different CRN cohorts, you are advised to use the Semester 1 or Semester 2 modules, where the students are already enrolled and can access.