When to use Drag the Words

Drag the Words allows content designers to create textual expressions with missing pieces of text. The end-user drags a missing piece of text to its correct place, to form a complete expression.

May be used to check if the user remembers a text she has read, or if she understands something. Helps the user think through a text.


Let's say you want to ask a question:

What are the colors of these berries when they are ripe?

Blueberries are _______________
Strawberries are _______________
Cloudberries are _______________

And suggest colors: blue, red and orange.

Accessing H5P in Canvas

You can access H5P in Canvas through the Rich Content Editor (RCE), which is accessible via the edit view of Page, Assignment, Discussion Board, Announcement and Quiz questions. 

For this example, we will be adding H5P onto a Canvas page. The first thing you will need to do is either open the page you want to embed the H5P content into or create a new page. Then click the ‘Edit’ button which will open the RCE. (You will automatically go into edit mode if you create a new page.) 

Next, you will need to locate H5P in the RCE toolbar.

Image Placeholder

Clicking on that menu item will open a pop-up showing your H5P library. From here, you will have the option to either insert previously created content or create something new. 

Create Drag the Words question.

Select the Add Content option. 

Type Drag the Words in the search bar and select this option 

Image Placeholder

Drag the Words editor

The Drag the words editor should now appear. The top part of the editor looks like this:

Title and Task description

Add a Title.  This will not be visible to your learners but can be used for searching, reports and copyright information 

The Task description should give the learner a short introduction or some instructions on what the task entails. A default Introduction text, which works fine in most cases, is suggested: "Drag the words into the correct boxes". However, you may modify it as we have done in the example below. 

Add an exercise

The Text  field is where you will type in the text for your exercise.

Add an * (asterisk)  in front and behind the words/phrases that you want to be dragged to the correct blank space e.g *orange*

For the learner, there will be a blank space to insert the word/phrase between the * (asterisk) in the exercise. 

For this example we have typed the following text:

Blueberries are *blue*.
Strawberries are *red*.
Cloudberries are *orange*.

This is how it will appear to the learner:

Adding tips

Optionally, you can provide a tip for each word/phrase to help the learner find the correct answer or to provide some additional information about the word/phrase. 

Let's add a tip for the word "blue".

A tip is defined by adding :tip_text next to the word.

So type in   :Check the name of the berry! next to the word blue, as shown here:

When the learner clicks on the information icon, the tip will appear. as see below. 

Image Placeholder

Adding feedback


Optionally, you can add correct feedback and incorrect feedback for each word/phrase.

This feedback will show below the exercise once the student click "Check".

Feedback is defined by typing \+correct_feedback and \-incorrect_feedback next to the word. 


If you need a reminder of how tips and feedback are defined you can click on "Show information" button, which is placed next to the Text label:

The box with instructions will appear:

Finishing up

Press Save and Insert when you are done!