There may be instances where you require students who are not yet fully registered with university accounts access to Zoom class. You can set up access for those students.

To give guest learner access to Zoom classes, complete the following steps.

  1. In your Canvas Module Navigation, click Zoom.
  2. Schedule your class. See Scheduling your classes in Zoom or Scheduling recurring sessions in Zoom for more information on how to schedule Zoom classes from Canvas.
  3. Select All authenticated users (includes external speakers) from the list under Require authentication to join. Selecting All authenticated users (includes external speakers) allows you to include users outside of MTU Cork but who authenticate to Zoom using their own personal Zoom accounts.
  4. Click Save to save the scheduled meeting.
  5. Click Copy the invitation, which includes the URL of the scheduled class and the password set in step 2. Click Copy Meeting Invitation
  6. Paste the invitation text into an email, and send to the students.
Note: The user needs to have a Zoom account to participate in your session. You will also need to admit the lecturer from the waiting room, as you would any other Zoom session.